September 20, 2010
In blogging I can only speak of my own journey and experience in and through life. I cannot and would not ever tell anyone else what to do; not anymore that is. I have been known in the past to try and direct other peoples lives. Particularly in the small s spiritual sense. Oh, well; I have lived and learned.
A few months ago my Dr. prescribed medication for high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol. When in Drugstore to get prescription filled an odd thing happened. Everything within told me not to do it; not to take those chemicals into my body. This thought was not new to me but what I was experiencing in those moments was in a feeling and 'knowing' way something I had not experienced before. It was overwhelming. I did not fill the prescriptions [ after making a bit of a scene as I was really quite discombobulated and had to ask the pharmacist to reverse the order as I had already paid] and when returning home and getting myself settled down, I asked my own inner Self what and why this happened. The intuitive response was, put in my own words, : 'It will effect negatively on the reprogramming of the DNA and genetic components in my body and the rewiring of circuits in brain.' I had heard/read of this before re the Spiritual awakening process but now was confronted first hand with this circumstance. I chose to follow this prompting even though blood pressure reading had been very high, on occasion over 200/110. Medical profession says one can die quite quickly in this state.
That was a few months ago. Am still here and have not taken blood pressure reading for a while now. A friend did twice, over two weeks a couple of months ago, and it was still quite high; about 170/105 if I remember correctly. It 'seems' to me it is lower now but do not know that as I have not measured it since then and have no intention of doing so. I will trust in my own True nature.
It has been an interesting experience as mortality issues came up front and center. Lots of fear coming from deep within along with warnings from a friend that I would/could end up a vegetable. At times I found it hard to stay true to myself and guidance. I felt guilty, sometimes severely, for 'questioning' the status-quo and 'normal' world flow and wisdom. There is an 'aloneness' [ not lonely] that was very disconcerting; with its own set of feelings and fears. In any case I stayed true to my own inner wisdom and feel grateful and thankful that I did. It feels like a lot of personal power has returned. This is the power over my health and well being I had given up to the 'system'.
This sense of power came from accepting responsibility for my own Being. This power came from letting go of feeling like a victim and realizing more that it is, in Truth, impossible to be a victim, except in an illusory and make believe way. Most if not all of some deep fears of dying came up and have been dismissed/abandoned. I feel 'freer' than I have ever felt before. I find it quite interesting how we can be so trusting of the pharmaceutical profession whose main purpose is to make a profit. This can only happen when we take more so called medicines. I am not saying there are not some good medications, but am saying is we have been encouraged to give up our personal power over health, to substances, for profit, in a hypnotic way. This hypnosis leads to very little critical questioning of what is really happening. Have you ever noticed that the greater and greater success and profit in the medical industry is dependent upon more and more people becoming ill and taking more pills and other forms of 'manufactured' chemical medications. The success of the industry is somewhat dependent upon the failure of peoples health. In my opinion this dynamic is a co-dependent insanity, held in place hypnotically.
That is my blog for today. I was going to speak about something else but this seems to be what wanted to come out of me. If you read, thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
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