SEPTEMBER 19, 2010
It seems I am to start blogging and this will be the first one, once I find a blog site to use that is. Had an aborted start once a couple of years ago. Went nowhere, or more accurately, I went nowhere with it. Tried to find it; to no avail.
How do I know it is time to 'really start'. Maybe it is because I bought some expensive software a few months ago so I could speak and have it type directly. It is called Dragon Naturally Speaking. The software has been installed on 'puter doing absolutely nothing since. Sheesh that software has a lot of nerve, to cost me so much and then do nothing for me.:-) I spent hundreds of bucks for the top of the line version. Needed the top of line as the feature I wanted was the one that would let me record my voice, put the file into puter and have it hum along, on its own turning my rambling thinking into something that is supposed to make sense; in words.
Actually I have spent most of my life; 45 of my 65 years, trying to tell everyone there is more to life than just being human. Just recently I realized this was a stupid thing to do. Just went through some very intense emotional pain releasing the accumulated denied energies of rejection that came from that pointless 5 decade attempt. Yup, I am a slow learner. Now I can do it in a way where everyone is truly free to ignore me; and do it quickly and easily :-)
Well, am now off to find the best blogging site. I really like John Smallman's blog [Johnsmallman's Blog ] so maybe will look there first. Nothing wrong with piggy backing on someones else's coat tails. Is there?
Actually the real reason for me to start blogging happened a few minutes ago in a dream. I was out for a walk, in the dream, and promptly got lost and quite confused. I asked myself in the dream: What do I do now? Then I looked at the corner street name sign. The one that caught my eye said: ' Blogtime St. Bingo, I immediately woke up in my 'sleeping 'chair'. Now that message was quite strait forward. :-) No beating around the bush with that message. Tis like getting whacked on the side of the head. Well, I did ask for guidance that was clear with no room for doubt. Not much, if any room there for doubting.
I remember trying to create first attempted blog . Spent hours trying to figure out what to call it, [ THE INCOMING TIDE] and what to say. Got nowhere and did what I have always found easy to do; QUIT. :-) I so ignored it, it decided, on its own to get completely lost and will not let me find it now. Now I am just going to say whatever wants to come out in whatever way it wants to come out. Will not be concerned about proper grammer etc. No holds barred.
Way deep inside I want everyone who ever has existed to read it. There are sites where one can make money depending on how many clicks there are to read it. Maybe I will find one like that, so I can become instantly famous and rich. :-) Maybe I can learn how to use words in a way like the 'dark side' does and manipulate billions of others, just for the fun of it. Maybe I can find a way to 'whack' the whole of humanity on the side of the head and say: Hey everyone else, wake up- and then show me the way. Let me ride on your coat tails into the Heavenly State:-) Why should I have to work at it. :-)
In truth I have a need to express and do it in an appropriate way. Blogging seems to be the way.
Just found the site that feels right. it is Google blogger. Always like Google.
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